Ashley Golder

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The top 5 advantages of using a drone

The use of drones in TV and film have grown exponentially and their uses seem to have no limit. From POV shots to easy crane/jib shots, a drone can add some incredible production value to a programme. Otherwise known as UAV’s (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), using a drone has many benefits[…]

The DJI Osmo

Tricks and tips with the DJI Osmo DJI market the Osmo as “Motion without blur. Action shots without shake. Perfect video even when you move.” The DJI Osmo is undoubtedly one of the pieces of kit I use a lot, especially when a production is on a budget. It shoots[…]

Pay it forward, but don’t forget to pay it back!

How I got in and got on, without forgetting who got me in and got me on… We’ll skim over the incredibly catchy title and get down to the point… This article is all about remembering those who got us to where we are. For me this article is dedicated to[…]

Bad Managers: Get out of our industry

How team work is for everyone and not just for the people you employ. There are some great managers in the world, ones who inspire you to do better and do more, ones that listen to your problems and help find solutions and ones that pull you up on your[…]